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Information letter ¹1
III Galeyev's Readings International Scientific and Practical Conference
"From Synesthesia to Synthesis of Arts" To the 75th anniversary of Bulat Makhmudovich Galeyev's birth 2-5 October 2015, Kazan Dear colleagues! On October, 2, 2015, we celebrate 75 years since an outstanding native scientist, founder of Kazan light-musical school, researcher of philosophical and aesthetic basics of synesthesia and pioneer of native videoculture Bulat Machmudovich Galeyev's birth (1940-2009). For more than 40 years under his direction, SKB-NII of experimental aesthetics "Prometheus" was the main center for studying Scriabin's ideas of light-music, theory and practice of audio-visual synthesis. Here Galeyev's and his colleagues' original light-musical ideas were born and realized. Kazan conferences gather researchers of the very various fields of knowledge from all over the world. The interdisciplinary direction has discovered rare, sometimes the most unexpected and important perspectives of scientific and artistic relationship in their historical and modern context. This gives an opportunity to understand and see one or another cultural event in new ways. In Memoriam of Bulat Machmudovich Galeyev and his business, to which he devoted all his life, we are planning on having a scientific and practical conference "From Synesthesia to Synthesis of Arts". According to Galeyev, synesthesia is a specific demonstration of non-verbal thinking that can be realized by means of involuntary or purposeful comparison of different-modal impressions based on structural, sense bearing or, mostly, emotional resemblance. In the scientist's opinion, synesthesia is a social and cultural but not a biological phenomenon. The very language, art is that "ground" where synesthesia is formed and extensively cultivated. A special sounding for today is a problem of synthesis of arts in conditions of digitalization of modern culture and art. Synesthesia here is becoming the most important "scene" to unite efforts of artists involving in various kinds and genres of art. We invite specialists of various scientific fields who are interested in studies of synesthesia and synthesis of arts, their theories and historical realizations in the world and native cultures. At the conference it is proposed to have lectures and brief notes in the following sections: B.M.Galeyev, "Prometheus": history, theory, practice - practical and theoretical heritage of B.M.Galeyev in the context of modern native and foreign cultural situation; - SKB-NII "Prometheus" as a main center of studying synesthesia and designing of "light-musical" devices; - unknown pages and reconstruction of forgotten events in Kazan light-musical school: history, people and facts. Problems of synesthesia in aesthetics - algorythmic aesthetics and synesthesia; - receptive feelings and emotional experience in the context of synesthesia; - modern digital art practice of synthetical type. Problems of synesthesia in art - from synesthesia to synthesis in arts in visual art: history, theory and art practice; - synesthesia and synthesis of arts in design and architecture: history and modernity, theory and practice; - synesthesia in theatre, music and cinema: history and modernity, theory and practice; - from synesthesia to synthesis of arts: history and practice, theory and modernity in the world literature. Within the conference we are going to have an exhibition and an evening festival program in which veterans of audiovisual experiences with representation of their works as well as practitioners of modern art are welcomed. To take part in the conference, evening festival program or exhibition, please, send your applications before March, 15, 2015. The application form is in Appendix 1. It is planned to publish a conference book with RSCI (Russia Science Citation Index) label. Due to this fact, the paper being maximally ready for publication should be sent before April, 1, 2015, as an attachment to galeyev2015@mail.ru or by post to Russia, 420111, Kazan, K.Marks St., 10, KNITU-KAI, "Prometheus". Organizing committee:Alexander S. Migunov, D.Sc. in Philosophy, member of AIS (Association of Art Critics, Russian public organization of art historians and critics, MSU, Moscow) - Conference Chair, Research Advisor; Stanislav A. Zavadski, Ph.D. in Philosophy (MSU, Moscow); Vyacheslav F. Kolejchuk, artist, designer, member of SA (Union of Architects), prof. (MIARCH, Moscow); Nina P. Kolyadenko, D.Sc. in History of Arts (NSC, Novosibirsk); Larisa P. Prokofieva, D.Sc. in Philology (STMU, Saratov); Michael S. Zalivadny, Ph.D. in History of Arts (SPSC, S.-Petersburg); Irina A. Trofimova, Ph.D. in Education (KFU, Kazan); Nadezhda A. Kargapolova, Ph.D. in History of Arts, member of AIS (Association of Art Critics, Russian public organization of art historians and critics, Moscow); Anastasia B. Maximova, Ph.D. in History (KSRTU-KAI, CA "Prometheus", Kazan); Sunbul M. Galyavina (CA "Prometheus", Kazan) - Assistant Editor. Some requested details about printing your paper: The paper is to be printed on not more than 4 pages in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman of 14 pt with line distance of 1; 2 cm from all printed page sides, page numbering should be placed at the bottom center of each page. The paper's title is to be centered with author's name, location and e-mail to the right of the page. The paper should be supported with an ABSTRACT (6-8 lines, see Appendix 2) Any notes should be listed in order as the work progresses. Publications on Linguistics will be published in author's native language. The paper can be supplied with any simple diagrams, tables, pictures (jpg, b&w). The Conference Committee reserves the right to reject one's application. The publication fee is 50 USD, including postal charges of a conference book to a participator in case of his/her distance participation. ![]() Unfortunately, we cannot cover costs for your travel or stay during our event but we are here to help make arrangements for comfortable hotel accommodations according to your wishes. Our contacts: office tel. +7 (843) 238-62-73 (Kazan, Russia) Anastasia Maximova +7(987) 237-06-87 Sunbul Galyavina +7 (960) 038-13-58 Ellina Sokolova +7 (987) 207-88-45 Appendix 1
Application Form
1. Last name ____________________________________________________2. Name _______________________________________________________ 3. Patronymic name_______________________________________________ 4. Article subject_________________________________________________ 5. Section______________________________________________________ 6. Form of participation (in person, in absence)__________________________ 7. Place of work/study____________________________________________ 8. Position_____________________________________________________ 9. Academic degree______________________________________________ 10. Special apparatus requirements___________________________________ 11. Telephone number_________________e-mail ______________________ 12. Postal address where to send a conference book______________________ Appendix 2
CarpenterE.D. , USA
This paper examines the most significant contributions of Bulat M. Galeyev to research on the Russian composer A.N. Scriabin (1872-1915). Emphasis is on the related areas of synesthesia, light-music, color hearing, synthesis of the arts, Gesamtkunstwerk, and Scriabin's tone-poem Prometheus. Bulat Makhmudovich Galeyev fulfilled many roles - teacher, scholar and researcher, inventor, art theorist, philosopher, and creative artist, not to mention director of the Prometheus Institute in Kazan'. In the vast scope of his artistic creativity and research, Galeyev embraced a truly interdisciplinary range of topics in the synthesis of the arts (Gesamtkunstwerk) and the connections between the arts and sensory perception. Galeyev, utilizing the rigor and scope of his training in physics and mathematics, not only explored and developed new connections, new syntheses, new techniques, and new approaches in these areas, but also delved into their history and theory in Russia, providing nascent disciplines with firm foundations. Always central to his vision were the views and music of Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin (1872-1915), whose tone-and-light-poem Prometheus, with its attendant ideas of synesthesia, artistic synthesis and synergy, and art/technology connections, provided a springboard and inspiration for Galeyev's intellectual and artistic endeavors. Just as works on twentieth-century harmony must include Scriabin's innovations as pivotal in the direction of harmonic modernity, so too must his equally innovative use of colored lights in Prometheus - not just to accompany the music score but as an integral part of the score and therefore the performance - figure prominently in any study of the connection of sound with the visual arts and perception. Not long after Scriabin's death in April 1915, Aleksei Podgaetskii accurately prophesized, "The literature on Scriabin will be huge, because Scriabin's genius was huge and multifaceted" [1, ñ 396]. …… …….. 1. Podgaetskii A.A.. Nachalo literatury o Skriabine. - Muzyka, 227 (October 10, 1915). â 4-õ ò. Ò. I. ×. 1 è 2. Ì.: Ìûñëü, 1969. 2. Galeyev B.M., ed., Svetomuzyka, sinesteziia, tsvetnoi slukh: Annotirovannyi bibliograficheskii
ukazatel' (Rossia, 1742-2002), 2nd ed. - Kazan', 2006.
KAZAN TUPOLEV NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (KNITU - KAI) «PROMETHEUS» CENTRE Information letter Dear colleagues! The «Prometheus» Centre invites you to take part in the International conference «Galeyev Readings», devoted to the 50th anniversary of «Prometheus» Centre creating and the 140th anniversary of A.N. Scriabin’s birth, the author of the first light-music art work «Prometheus». The history of Kazan Centre of light-music takes its origin from the performance of this art work, for the first time in USSR, in 1962. «Galeyev Readings» will take place from 5 to 8 of April 2012 (April 5 – arrival, April 6 – opening, April 8 – closing) .It is proposed to have lectures and brief notes in the following sections:
Please send your applications for the participation in the conference before December 15, 2011, as we need time to book rooms in the University Rest Centre or in the hotel (please indicate which type of room you wish). Application Form is shown below. Send your application to: prometheus.kzn@gmail.com, bulat.galeyev@mail.ru. Some requested details about printing your paper: The paper is to be printed on not more than 5 pages in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman of 14 pt with line distance of 1,5; 2 cm from all printed page sides, page numbering should be placed at the bottom center of each page. The paper's title is to be centered with author's name and location to the right of the page. The paper should be supported with an ABSTRACT (5-6 lines) about the plot of it. Any notes should be listed in order, at the end of the paper. Publications on Linguistics will be published in author’s native language. The paper can be supplied with any simple diagrams, tables, pictures (jpg). It is planned to publish a conference book till the conference starts. In this case we cordially ask you to send your papers before January, 20, 2012. The Conference Committee reserves the right to reject one’s application. The participants from other countries are requested to send texts in English. If you can’t to take part in the conference in person, you may send text of your paper to be published in the conference book. The Conference Committee has no finances to pay transport/hotel expenses. We would be grateful for any help contacting other specialists on the above-mentioned subject-matter. Our contacts: Tel. (843) 231-01-55 Tel/fax (843) 238-62-73 Office Address: Russia, 420111, Kazan, K. Marx Str. 10, KNITU, «Prometheus» Centre, Conference Committee. Organizing Committee
Application Form 1. Last name ____________________________________________________ 2. Name ________________________________________________________ 3. Patronymic name_______________________________________________ 4. Article subject_________________________________________________ 5. Section_______________________________________________________ 6. Form of participation (in person, in absence)_________________________ 7. Place of work (study)___________________________________________ 8. Position______________________________________________________ 9. Academic degree_______________________________________________ 10. Special apparatus requirements____________________________________ 11. Postal address (index included) where to send conference book___________ 12. Contact telephone number________________________________________ 13. E-mail________________________________________________________ KAZAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY «PROMETHEUS» CENTER (Kazan, Russia) Information letter Dear colleagues! "Prometheus Center" (Kazan, Russia) cordially invites you to take part in "Galeyev's Readings" in commemoration of the outstanding scientist and artist, theorist and expert in light- music, Bulat Makhmudovich Galeyev (1940-2009), whose 70th anniversary will be at October 2, 2010. During "Galeyev's Readings" from 1st till 7th October 2010, there will be held a conference, an exhibition and a festival events, on the following themes: 1. In Memoriam. - B.M. Galeyev - a theorist and an expert in new arts. - B.M. Galeyev's contribution in the formation of public opinion on the path of development of synthetic art. 2. History, theory and practice of light-music. 3. Theory and practice of new arts, arisen at the boundary of new millennium ("Son et Lumiere" spectacles, video installations, performances, laser and computer art, etc). 4. Synesthesia in the light of philosophy and psychology, in literature and fine arts. 5. Light and sound in architecture. The conference book is to be published prior to conference start. As it is important to justify a request for the financing in time, please send your application till August 30, 2009. The application form includes:- Title of the paper and/or exhibits, artworks (please add brief description of your contribution). - Name, surname. - Place of work. - Position. - Academic status. - Scientific degree. - Home address. - E-mail. - Telephone. Please either e-mail your application to bulat.galeyev@mail.ru or send to our office street address: Russia, 420111, Kazan K.Marks Str. 10, KGTU, "Prometheus Center". We'd be very grateful if you inform us on other specialists who are willing to take part in our conference (exhibition, festival). Contacts: Tel: (843) 238-62-73, (843) 231-01-55 Fax: (843) 236-53-31 E-mail: bulat.galeyev@mail.ru Organizing Committee
Information letter 1.
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
A.N.Tupolev’s Kazan State Technical University Office of Culture of the City of Kazan N.Zhiganov’s Kazan State Conservatory Research Institute of Experimental Aesthetics “Prometheus” International Conference Kazan-2008: Synesthesia: Commonwealth of Senses and Synthesis of Arts. Call for Papers
We cordially invite submissions to the conference “Synesthesia: Commonwealth of Senses and Synthesis of Arts” that will be held in Kazan (Russia) between 3rd & 8th November 2008. For last 30 years in Kazan there had been held 15 international, all-Union, all-Russia, republican conferences, seminars, festivals, exhibitions, devoted to introduction of instrumental means into art culture of the last century. First of all, they were focused with light-music and the associated mysterial ideas of great Russian composer A.N. Scriabin. Each event was accompanied with performance program and publication of conference books. But if initial orientation of “Prometheus” followers was directed to experiments (technical and, correspondingly, artistic ones), in recent years it has become obvious that, being a humanitarian problem, light-music synthesis demands steadfast attention to human factor, because art by its nature, whether old or new one, exists for man, and created by man. And as the majority of new arts are of synthetic character, coming out on top are the study of laws of aural-visual unity, inter-sensory association, including the broadest range of synesthetic “consonances” and synesthetic “dissonances”. Studying synesthesia, i.e. inter-sensory association, includes both pure psychological researches and laboratory experiments, but, in the first place, it has to do with the analysis of naturally developed imprints, manifestations of synesthetic thinking in our cultural environment – language, music, poetry and other traditional arts, including synthetic ones. It is precisely this fact that determines extremely
interdisciplinary character of new arts studies. Besides obvious
need in multilateral set of instruments, it is necessary to
address to the general theory of art, art history, linguistics.
It is planned to discuss the following themes on the conference: Publication of collected papers is planned to the beginning of conference. Submissions
To take part in the conference work, please e-mail your application to bulat.galeyev@mail.ru, till June 10 st, 2008. Please specify: title of your proposed paper, your name, place of work, position, scientific degree, academic status, home address, e-mail, telephone. The complete text of your paper should be sent as MS Word file in attachment to bulat.galeyev@mail.ru Submission deadline June, 30th, 2008. Demonstration materials may be presented as: cinema films (35 mm, 16 mm); slides (60 mm, 35 mm); video VHS, SVHS, DVD. Submission requirements
Stylesheet for Proceedings of the Kazan 2008 Conference on
We invite you to submit short papers to be included in the conference book and would be grateful if you could prepare the paper in accordance with the following guidelines.
Travel and hotel payments are at participant’s own expense. We recommend 3 hotels in Kazan, not far from conference venues:
Please book a room at the hotel beforehand, and let us know when you do it, to be sure there is no problem with accommodation. Visa registration
e-mail Bulat M. Galeyev <bulat.galeyev@mail.ru> telephone +7(843) 238-62-73, +7(843) 231-01-55. fax +7(843) 236-53-31 Office address: Russia, Kazan, 420111, K. Marks Str. 10, KGTU, Institute “Prometheus” Organizing Committee
The conference is devoted to the study of the laws of sight- hearing unity, intersensory associations, including the broadest range of synesthetic “consonances” and “dissonances” .The study of synesthesia, i.e., intersensory association, includes both theoretical psychological researches and laboratory experiments, but, mainly, the analysis of the naturally formed traces, manifestations of synesthetic way of thinking in the human cultural environment – in language, music, poetry and other traditional arts, including syneshetic ones. General shedule:1000 - 1300 – morning session November 3 (Monday)
November 4 (Tuesday)
November 5 (Wednesday)
November 6 (Thuesday)
November 7 (Friday)
November 8 (Sunday) Sightseeing program Departure Acknowledgements: The conference was supported by the Russian State Scientific Fund (RGNF) This conference program list is an entrance card to KGTU-KAI building 5 and to all conference events. |
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